Embroidery, Silk Screen, Heat Transfer, Guides, Guidelines, Tips, Trick and Techniques How To Build Your Own Wordpress or Blogspot Blog & Make Money online From Blog ** Panduan, Tips, Trick & Teknik Membina Blog Wordpress Anda Sendiri & Buat Duit Dari Blog
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Asy-Syabab, atau masa muda, sebagaimana ungkapan Syaikh 'Atiyah Muhammad Salim diambil dari kata syabba-yasyubbu, artinya adalah tinggi. Kata ini bisa juga dipakai untuk mensifati api. Contohnya adalah: Syabbat an-naar, yang maknanya adalah api yang menjilat-jilat tinggi. Sehingga kata asy-syabab bisa diartikan sebagai kekuatan besar, menggelora, membara yang mengalir deras. (Syaikh 'Atiyah Muhammad Salim, Syarah Bulughul Maram).
Kaitannya dengan hal ini, maka ada yang menyatakan bahwasanya masa muda adalah separoh gila atau bagian dari gila. Ini adalah sebuah ungkapan yang sangat unik. Dikatakan begitu karena gelora masa muda itu terkadang bisa menghilangkan akal sehat sehingga tidak bisa berpikir rasional. Hal itu disebabkan oleh kecenderungan yang lebih terhadap keinginan diri serta didukung oleh keberanian mengambil suatu langkah tanpa memikirkan apa akibat yang akan terjadi nantinya. (Muhammad bin Yusuf asy-Syami, Subulul Huda war Rosyad, fi Siroti Khoiril 'Ibad)
Berani, bahkan nekad, itu salah satu efek gelora masa muda. Makanya ungkapan Jawa, "Bondo, bahu, piker, lek perlu sak nyawane" (Harta, raga, pikiran, kalau perlu mengorbankan nyawa) ini sangat tepat jika dipakai untuk menggambarkan keberanian dan semangat seorang pemuda.
Keberanian dan keinginan yang besar ini jika dialirkan dalam hal-hal yang positif tentu akan menjadi energi yang dahsyat. Misalnya digunakan dalam hal belajar, menuntut ilmu, beramal, beribadah dan bekerja. Tentu hasilnya luar biasa. Sebagaimana yang dilakukan oleh remaja-remaja berprestasi dan produktif pada masa sekarang atau remaja-remaja pada masa dahulu. Banyak kisah-kisah sejarah yang mencatat prestasi gemilang para remaja di masa lampau yang bisa kita ambil inspirasinya, yang insya Allah akan kita kupas nanti pada bab tersendiri.
Karena itulah masa muda adalah dambaan siapa saja. Seorang anak kecil, ketika bergaul ia ingin selalu dianggap telah dewasa. Bahkan salah satu kalimat yang paling tidak disukainya adalah ketika ada seseorang yang mengatakan kepadanya, "Kamu masih anak kemarin sore!". Ini salah satu contoh kecilnya saja. Ia ingin diperlakukan layaknya anak dewasa. Mereka berangan-angan, kalau nanti sudah besar aku ingin begini dan begitu. Aku ingin melakukan ini dan itu.
Demikian halnya dengan orang tua, ia juga ingin selalu dianggap masih muda. Penampilan dijaga. Bahkan tak sedikit dari mereka yang mengecat rambutnya dengan warna hitam biar lebih terlihat segar. Ini juga salah satu contoh kecilnya saja. Merekapun juga berkhayal, andaikata masih muda aku akan begini dan begitu. Aku akan melakukan ini dan itu.
Ungkapan syair Abul 'Atahiyah ini barangkali cukup untuk menggambarkan itu:
Aku telah melepas masa mudaku yang indah
Sebagaimana gugurnya daun dari rantingnya
Seandainya masa muda itu datang kembali padaku
Akan kukabarkan padanya apa yang telah dilakukan hari tua
Sebuah ungkapan yang menarik, jujur dan memiliki makna yang mendalam. Sedang penyair yang lain mengatakan:
Jika aku kembali muda seperti dulu
Pasti aku laksana dahan kokoh
bercengkerama dengan hembusan angin
Tapi sudahlah menjadi ketentuan
bahwa yang telah berumur akan berkurang
Dimakan zaman yang terus berjalan dan berputar
Makanya, tidaklah ekstrem jika dikatakan bahwa masa muda adalah layaknya baju baru, sedang masa tua adalah seperti baju yang telah usang. Karena semakin bertambah usia seseorang menuju usia tua tentu ada sesuatu yang berkurang darinya. Hal itu sebagaimana dijelaskan oleh Allah Swt dalam firman-Nya:
"Dan barangsiapa yang Kami panjangkan umurnya niscaya kami kembalikan dia kepada kejadian(nya)semula. Maka apakah mereka tidak memikirkan?" (QS. Yaasin: 56).
Be amongst the first in Malaysia to own a Blackberry Torch 9800!
Get Blackberry Torch 9800!
Be amongst the first in Malaysia to own a Blackberry Torch 9800!
Blackberry Torch 9800 CHEAP!
Visit all-new Nokia C3 site
Nokia just released another new smartphone!
Win a dream holiday to Australia for two, worth RM15,000
Win a dream holiday to Australia for two, worth RM15,000 by sharing your favourite moments in the Aussie land!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Rip Curl hot and sexy beachwear at half price!
Rip Curl discount here!
Get your favorite beachwear, surfboards, wetsuits, bags, & accessories at top beachwear brand Rip Curl at only half the price. Only RM25 instead of RM50. Redeemable at Sunway Pyramid, Sunway Lagoon, Wangsa Walk, Farenheit 88 and Suria KLCC.
Get your favorite beachwear, surfboards, wetsuits, bags, & accessories at top beachwear brand Rip Curl at only half the price. Only RM25 instead of RM50. Redeemable at Sunway Pyramid, Sunway Lagoon, Wangsa Walk, Farenheit 88 and Suria KLCC.
Today's Deal:[50% off] Get your favorite beachwear, surfboards, wetsuits, bags, & accessories at top beachwear brand Rip Curl at only half the price. Only RM25 instead of RM50.
Rip Curl discount here!http://malaysia.youthsays.com/ysnaim/rip-curl
Monday, October 11, 2010
RM80 discount off NEW Adidas shoes or apparels
Trade in your old, unwanted sports shoes for a new pair of Adidas shoes and get RM80 instant discount!
Bring in your old shoes and trade them in for up to RM80 discount off NEW Adidas shoes or apparels. Refresh your game at Adidas store today!.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
TO APPLY Public Bank Debit Card
Check this out, a FREE Debit Card which gives you more rewards!
If you have always wanted to get a Debit Card, there has never been a better time than now.
Public Bank Debit Card Rewards campaign offers lucrative Cash Rewards worth RM25,000 and 3% Cash Back.
That’s not all! Public Bank Debit Cards are Free for Life!
That’s not all! Public Bank Debit Cards are Free for Life!
Blogs have become popular these days and probably many Internet users already have a blog for its own purposes.Many newbie ask whether the right to make money with a blog? Powered business world has changed since the existence of the Internet. For me business is no longer done in a conventional manner but in reality only be made online and more 'free' or if it be way easier. Maybe here I can share some ideas to make money with a blog that has a lot of people do and successful:
If you do not mind you can write a review / opinion on products, services or other opportunities in accordance with the requirements PayPerPost.Com which they will pay for any review or post that has been made on your blog. Can also be publisher of Click2sell, LinkWorth and social network that emerged as a new competitor up the PeopleString Network will give us a commission with each referral.
Another method which can also bring a lot of money through a blog is with Google Adsense. Many of my friends in Malaysia and around the world have managed to generate income with Adsense this. Easiest way to get a Google Adsense account is a blog on www.blogger.com and create a niche of its own in English. With each click of the visitors to your blog in adsense banner will provide a profitable return. Certainly, you honestly do adsense kene this, please do not be too 'clever' for click fraud because Google is more intelligent about the system against you.
Create an affiliate program to generate additional income. It is quite easy because you only promote affiliate program links the product / service vendors that they provide. About the question of the purchase, delivery and other issues need not worry because it is the work the vendor / provider of affiliate program. We just make sure it links well to get promoted after the commission offered. Examples of affiliate programs, such as the AdikBijak.Com, MasKahwin.Com, IdeaBisnesLuarBiasa and much more.
Sell banner ads or text links on your blog. If your site has high traffic hits or may take the opportunity to sell advertising space on the edge or memana part of your blog. May sell links or advertising to rent for a week, monthly or yearly. Depending on your traffic capacity, the more hits the higher the price of your banner ads. The simplest example of the advertising on the web as utusan.com.my or bharian.com.my the already high price he was quite a lot of traffic based on hits per day.
Sell your own products .. This method may be realized if you have a product or service itself. For example, you sell second hand books with a novel synopsis and review some of you have read the novel and sell it for half the price of the original price or a more appropriate discretion. Any product or service can be sold through the blog under a certain category. It depends on your creativity.
Tips above can give a simple guide for those who want to make money with your blog more easily. Of course if you want money kenelah wat a terrible business and not lazy to learn new things. There are many ways to make money with blogs as long as we continue to learn and explore opportunities in the internet with more depth
Monday, October 4, 2010
Bloggers: Don't Do This Silly Thing
- Giving up too early – blogs take time to take off
- Putting off starting a blog – waiting until everything is just right before launching can mean you never do it
- Echoing what everyone else is talking about – say something unique and share your opinion
- Not blogging on your own domain – I know some swear by using hosted blogs but if you want ultimate control of your blog it is best to do it on your own domain and hosting.
- Irregular Posting – you don’t have to post every day but try to establish a regular rhythm of posting
- Being too apologetic – ’sorry I haven’t written for a while’ can end up being the most common type of post on a blog – yes apologize if you’ve messed up but don’t be too hard on yourself – keep investing your time into building your blog up rather than highlighting it’s problems.
- Focusing more upon Quick Traffic than Loyal Readers – there’s nothing wrong with a big rush of traffic from social media or another blog – but just as important as that is building reader loyalty. Sometimes growing one reader at a time is more fruitful than getting spikes of traffic that never returns.
- Clutter – too many buttons, widgets, navigation elements
- Great Posts but Terrible Titles – don’t short change yourself by investing hours into writing great content only to slap a mediocre headline/title onto it.
- Not Defining a Topic – the most successful blogs have a well defined topic/niche (or they target a certain demographic)
- Choosing a Topic you have no Interest in – for your blog to be successful you’ll need to blog regularly on your topic for years – if you want to sustain it choose something you have an interest in or love for or you’ll run out of steam.
- Too many Ads – I don’t have a problem with ads on a blog from Day #1 but when they overpower the content and push it down the page too far they hurt your chances of building a loyal readership.
- Being too Insular/Expecting Readers to come to You – many bloggers starting out fail to realize that the more you put yourself out there and interact with other bloggers the more chance you have of being read.
- Blogging about Making Money Blogging (as a first blog) – I’ve lost count of how many bloggers I’ve seen start blogs on the topic of blogging for money when they’ve never made money blogging. Start with something you know.
- Not Being Useful – blogs that meet needs and solve problems are blogs that people will keep coming back to and which they’ll spread news of to their network.
- Writing for Search Engines Before Humans – you can always tell when a blogger discovers Search Engine Optimization for the first time. Suddenly titles don’t make sense, keywords appear in posts for no real reason, links to other pages on the blog that are irrelevant to the post keep being used. Learn SEO – but keep your readers as your #1 priority.
- Becoming a Stats-a-holic - the lure of checking your stats is understandable and common to new (and older) bloggers – but it can become an unhealthy obsession that leads to distraction and depression.
- Link Baiting with Personal Attack – taking pot shots at other bloggers might get you some quick traffic – but hate breeds hate and the type of readers you attract and the culture it’ll breed on your blog could come back to bite you. Plus you’ll get a reputation that you might not want to live with.
- Not Knowing Why You’re Blogging – while most of us don’t really know what we’re doing at the start – the faster you can work out what the purpose of your blog is the sooner you’ll start moving toward achieving that purpose.
- Not Selling Yourself – one thing I don’t think many bloggers get is the power of blogs to sell yourself as a blogger. There’s nothing wrong with monetizing a blog with ads – but maybe a better long term strategy is to use a blog to advertise who you are and what you can offer readers.
- Thinking You Have to Know it All – one of the best things about blogs is that they’re a great medium for involving your readers in the process of learning. Leave space for others to interact, share what they know and contribute.
Yahoo! The First $0.01 From $10,000.00 Paid By Infolinks
Yes! today i sign in to my infolinks account. I got $0.01! Huhu! I really hope they are making a big mistake. Actually my account has exceeded to $10,000.00. Hahaha! Just a joke! I've setup my infolinks account and their ads if i'm not mistaken on 29 September 2010. Still new huh? But its ok. There's a long journey to go. All i need is a passion to keep my blog update daily ( hopefully! hehe). I've put Adsense Ads before, but they had throw me out! My Adsense account has been disabled when my collection reached $100! Huhuhu Just another joke! I've put nuffnang ads either. But nuffnang doesn't love me like *****, well its ok. Someday nuffnang team will beg for their ads to be seen on my blog! huhuhu! thats all for now. This is my trial session to make money online using infolinks. Hope they will direct a free traffic to my blog too. A blogger wouldn't live longer without traffic.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Infolinks Payment: When will the Malaysian Can Cash Using Bankwire
I've read about infolinks payment today regarding about how to received our payment. For information we will get paid when our account reached $50. The minimum threshold is $50. But don’t worry - if your earnings are less than that threshold at the end of the month, these funds will be carried over to the next month.
Here's i attached a topic about getting paid from infolinks for our information!
Infolinks offers several convenient ways for publishers to receive payments. You can choose your preferred method: PayPal, Bank Wire, ACH (only for U.S. bank accounts) or Get your Infolinks Prepaid Mastercard® (Powered by Payoneer).
You can apply to get an Infolinks Prepaid Debit MasterCard® to load your earnings and use it anywhere MasterCard® is accepted. Choosing this payment form will link you to a new page to register for your card. Once a cardholder, you can manage your account by simply logging onto the Payoneer website.
You can apply to get an Infolinks Prepaid Debit MasterCard® to load your earnings and use it anywhere MasterCard® is accepted. Choosing this payment form will link you to a new page to register for your card. Once a cardholder, you can manage your account by simply logging onto the Payoneer website.
How long will it take to receive my Infolinks Prepaid Mastercard® by mail?
Once placed in the mail, please allow 10 business days to receive your card by regular mail within the U.S. For delivery outside of the U.S., it may take up to 25 business days to receive your card.
Once placed in the mail, please allow 10 business days to receive your card by regular mail within the U.S. For delivery outside of the U.S., it may take up to 25 business days to receive your card.
How do I withdraw the funds from my Payoneer Prepaid Debit MasterCard®?
The card is accepted at all locations that accept Mastercard®, including ATM's. The ATM will let you withdraw cash up to the balance available on your card. To determine if your card can be used at a particular ATM look for the logo on the back of the card. If the logo is located on the ATM, your card can be used at that ATM.
The card is accepted at all locations that accept Mastercard®, including ATM's. The ATM will let you withdraw cash up to the balance available on your card. To determine if your card can be used at a particular ATM look for the logo on the back of the card. If the logo is located on the ATM, your card can be used at that ATM.
What are the costs associated with the prepaid MasterCard® card?
Please visit Payoneer’s Pricing and Fees section to view card use and loading fees.
Please visit Payoneer’s Pricing and Fees section to view card use and loading fees.
How do I activate my card?
Once you receive your card in the mail, you can activate it as follows:
Once you receive your card in the mail, you can activate it as follows:
- Click on Activate on the Payoneer homepage.
- Enter the UserID and Password you chose when your card was ordered.
- Enter your new PIN (must be 4 digits, this PIN will be used for ATM withdraws) and click Activate.
- Click Continue. Payoneer will display a confirmation message and send an email when you have successfully changed the PIN.
How do payments to me become available on my prepaid MasterCard® card?
Whenever payments are loaded to your prepaid MasterCard® card, you will be notified by email and will be required to accept payment. These funds will be available to you within 2 to 4 business days of accepting payment. Please make sure that payouts@payoneer.com emails are not being directed to your bulk mail.
Whenever payments are loaded to your prepaid MasterCard® card, you will be notified by email and will be required to accept payment. These funds will be available to you within 2 to 4 business days of accepting payment. Please make sure that payouts@payoneer.com emails are not being directed to your bulk mail.
Can I load my prepaid MasterCard® card in other ways?
Yes. You can load the prepaid MasterCard® card with other credit cards (Visa® or MasterCard®). If you are a U.S. cardholder, you can also load via debit cards, electronic checks or cash.
Yes. You can load the prepaid MasterCard® card with other credit cards (Visa® or MasterCard®). If you are a U.S. cardholder, you can also load via debit cards, electronic checks or cash.
What do I do if I lose my card, or if it gets stolen?
Contact Payoneer as below: Lost or Stolen Cards: 1-646-224-6993 Email to:support@payoneer.com
Customer Support: U.S. Customers: 1-800-251-2521 (9am-5pm EST Sun-Fri) Outside U.S.: 1-847-461-1386 (9am-5pm EST Sun-Fri) Email to: support@payoneer.com
Contact Payoneer as below: Lost or Stolen Cards: 1-646-224-6993 Email to:support@payoneer.com
Customer Support: U.S. Customers: 1-800-251-2521 (9am-5pm EST Sun-Fri) Outside U.S.: 1-847-461-1386 (9am-5pm EST Sun-Fri) Email to: support@payoneer.com
Payoneer Fees and Pricing
See here for a full list on fees.
See here for a full list on fees.
Ping Blog: http://pingomatic.com
Hi there! Today i tried to ping this blog using http://pingomatic.com. I cannot rite now because i have to wait for the result. Please wait to know more about the best way to make money online!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Free Viral Traffic To You Blog, Web, Twitter, Facebook ?
Viral Traffic Bar claimed that they could direct and generate a lot of traffic to your blog, web, twitter, facebook, myspace and so on. Their slogan, " The Most Powerful Traffic Generator On The Planet " had attracted me to try their product.
My comment? Nothing much! Just a typical traffic generator business website. The truth is, we can never get a real free traffic without having a penny in our pocket!
My comment? Nothing much! Just a typical traffic generator business website. The truth is, we can never get a real free traffic without having a penny in our pocket!
Blog: Change Your Blog Logo To Your Own Unique Logo
Making money online i such a popular activities nowadays. There is a lot of system, method and style to make it happen. But don't leave the art of the appearence! I've found something new about how to make your blog a little bit unique and awesome for visitors to view.
Now i wanna share about how to change your blog default logo to your your own choose logo!
Below i've put the image of the basic default logo for blogger.
Here's the image of successfull process to change blogger default logo.
Now i wanna share about how to change your blog default logo to your your own choose logo!
Below i've put the image of the basic default logo for blogger.
Here's the image of successfull process to change blogger default logo.
Actually this process i s so simple, a pieace of cake actually! First of all, all you need to have is your logo HTML link. Just upload whatever image that you desire to any image hosting available or you can visit http://www.iconj.com
And then you have to upload the chosen image to that image hosting website
Just copy the HTML code
Login to your blogspot account. Go to design>Edit HTML. And then paste the code from from image hosting website after this below code:
Its so easy rite! Enjoy Make Money Online!
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