Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blog: Change Your Blog Logo To Your Own Unique Logo

Making money online i such a popular activities nowadays. There is a lot of system, method and style to make it happen. But don't leave the art of the appearence! I've found something new about how to make your blog a little bit unique and awesome for visitors to view.

Now i wanna share about how to change your blog default logo to your your own choose logo!

Below i've put the image of the basic default logo for blogger.

Here's the image of successfull process to change blogger default logo.

Actually this process i s so simple, a pieace of cake actually! First of all, all you need to have is your logo HTML link. Just upload whatever image that you desire to any image hosting available or you can visit 

And then you have to upload the chosen image to that image hosting website

Just copy the HTML code

Login to your blogspot account. Go to design>Edit HTML. And then paste the code from from image hosting website after this below code: 

Its so easy rite! Enjoy Make Money Online!

1 comment:

  1. Having your own logo is very important in building your own identity and of course it must be well created and professional.
